“Home” at Renaissance Marin
Yesterday we cooked for the first time in our new “home” at the Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center in Marin County as a part of their Food Business Incubator Program. This program offers guidance and training to new food businesses, as well as a very clean and affordable commercial kitchen. We actually got in trouble yesterday because we didn’t do all of the tasks on our clean up check list, but this makes us love them even more because we are sticklers ourselves in how we run our business. The center hosts a lot of speakers and networking events, and we are excited about getting to know other entrepreneurs and, hopefully, future clients.
For those of you not familiar with Northern California geography, Marin County is the county between Sonoma and San Francisco counties. It has always been our plan to cover both of those areas (eventually Arthur and Rachel will chair their own separate jurisdictions), so it makes sense to start in the middle. The small downside is that the center is a 45 minutes away from our house in Sonoma, but even that is hard to complain about considering how beautiful the scenery is.
Categorised as: Progress
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